3 Small Apex Legends Streamers to Give a Try

3 Small Apex Legends Streamers to Give a Try

   4 min read

Tired of watching the same big Apex Legends streamers? Looking for some new talent to support? Look no further than these small Apex Legends streamers! They’re all incredibly skilled, entertaining, and deserve your attention.

FROM WITHIN GAMING on Youtube – Channel link HERE

FROM WITHIN GAMING is a small YouTuber who consistently streams Apex evenings and most mornings, you’ll usually get about a 4-hour stream in the late evening and get a 6 to 7-hour stream in the early morning. FROM WITHIN GAMING refers to himself as “FWG” and is a Loba and Rampart main, which is another reason to give him a try, it’s not your typical Wraith or Horizon legend main. FWG’s youtube bio says “Be sure to catch me streaming some APEX LEGENDS at 4:00 am Pacific! A giveaway occurs every 1,000 subscribers and typical prizes include apex coins or merch. Stack up your channel points/channel hours to be eligible for the giveaways! Feel free to join my discord and follow my socials below !” So what are you waiting for? go subscribe to catch his next stream.

RogueWraith_ on Twitch – Channel link HERE

RogueWraith_ whose real name is Jacob/Jake can be found on Twitch, He’s an interesting pick because although he isn’t as consistent as FWG, he’s still one of the most unique Apex Legends streamers on the platform. Why?

Rogue AKA RogueWraith_ is a Newcastle main. Not many people are playing support legends anymore and he is one who plays Newcastle religiously. Click here to see Rogue’s schedule and catch his next stream. RogueWraith_ mainly plays pubs nowadays after the new season started. A lot of players strongly dislike the new ranked system and he is one of them. Don’t be surprised if you catch his next stream and he’s playing with his friends in a pubs match. Rogue is all about good vibes and having fun, I’ve caught a couple of his streams playing ranked and he’s an absolute genius on Newcastle and support, check him out here.

GiggleAutumn on Twitch – Channel link HERE

Some people might already know Giggle Autumn but at the same time, not many people might. One of the primary reasons why I’m putting her on this list is because she’s bringing something to Apex that not many other streamers do. What is she bringing to Apex?

GiggleAutumn is a Caustic main and there are not many Caustic mains left out there, actually playing Caustic is frowned upon because of his abilities. A lot of people and popular streamers say Caustic is for scared players and if you’re playing Caustic, you’re not good enough to play Apex. I think we all need to take a step back and realize that Caustic is one of the most unique legends in the game and it takes a lot of intelligence to play Caustic. The other thing GiggleAutumn is bringing to Apex is female pro competition. We know for a fact gaming has always been dominated by men and now we’re seeing much more diversity in the space, not many people are open to having females in the pro gaming space but it creates healthy competition and a different perspective, not to mention GiggleAutumn is also signed to Luminosity Gaming.

Which one of these Streamers/Players are you most interested in checking out? Let us know in the comments

3 Small Apex Legends Streamers to Give a Try

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